Tuesday, December 6

Christmas Decorations in a Small House

I have a small house.  So decorating in a small space requires small things.  I also kept it more simple this year and I'm liking it.  I usually have more garlands and lights.  

This little funky space reminds me of Dr Seuss.  The little guy with the pointy hat is one of my early painting projects, many years ago.  I still like him, so he is still around.  I think I might need another shinny tree..
 I got my tree from Farmer Gene!  He is a story in himself.  The tree is a great shape for all my German ornaments and it makes me happy. 

 My Santa's love to hang around.
 Almost forgot to add a picture of my mantle.  It is where I usually have lights and garlands, but this year it has been taken over by critters from Denmark and Germany.  I love these little people!  I think they take over the house when I'm not looking; especially the grumpy looking ones.  A couple of them look like they are sleeping but I know better!

My Christmas dishes ready to be used.
 Yes, I put lights on the lamp in the sun room.  I like it.  Don't judge!  There are more German decorations on the chest.  Some that my grand children got me years ago. 
 I call the corner my wood land area; it seems to fit well in the sun room with all the birds outside doing fly by's.  I love this spot.
 This little family are gourds that I painted a few years ago.  They came out of hibernation this year and joined the wood land critters in the sun room.
 This little chest in my kitchen will be holding more candy over the next few days.  
 And what is better than something to remember a loved one and to bring up wonderful memories?  Nothing.  This was my mom's table cloth she used for many years.  She had a large dinning table and would set it up with this cloth, dishes and flowers.  It is too big for my table, but as you can see, I use it anyway.  This is a happy memory; no sad going on here.
I hope you enjoyed my tour; now if we could just sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee together and enjoy the lights.  Happy holidays to all.


Corinnea said...

Everything is so pretty! I finally really decorated this year. It was fun and I'm leaving it up all year!

his eye is on the sparrow said...

Norma, you're amazing! You have so much fun with the little things- I think you're onto something there!
I like the "big" tablecloth- I prefer them big to skimpy, and it is a happy memory tablecloth--priceless! Wgat a festive place!

his eye is on the sparrow said...

That's "what" a festive place!

Jessica said...

Love seeing the decorations. I am going to call you back I had company and then have been sick - I can croak at you though :P Call me if I am foggy and forgetful! There was something else but now I have forgotten..blech